[email protected] Tel: 01654 791342
The Kitesurf Instructors.
I have been surfing here in West Wales since 1990 and have also surfed all over the world, including among other countries Indonesia, Fiji, France, Lanzarote and Australia. I still absolutely love the sport of surfing.
However, I’ve been kiting now for 4 years and am still amazed by the buzz I get from it. From the first time a kite pulled me along a beach I knew I would be hooked. Since then I haven’t been able to get enough of the sport, from basic kite-flying, kiting with a mountainboard on a quiet beach, body dragging and obviously kite-surfing, the possibilities are endless and the excitement is amazing.
IKO / BKSA — Level 2 Instructor.
RYA — Power Boat Level 2.
Tunnel Vision Surfboards — Team Rider.
Guest Instructor.
Sean Curren.
British kite surfing pioneer and owner of “air jam”.
Head technical advisor for kite surf magazine.